1. Personal Information Officer

To help provide customers with products and services, SBI Holdings Inc. (hereinafter, SBI Holdings) has established the post of Personal Information Officer.
Personal Information Officer: SBI Holdings, Inc. Motoya Nishimura, Executive Officer

2. Purpose of Use

To help carry out transactions, SBI Holdings collects needed personal information about customers. Depending on the product or service, your personal information is used for the purposes stated below.

(1) InsWeb Insurance Portal

SBI Holdings (insurance portal InsWeb) provides personal customer information to contracted partners such as insurance companies, including non-life insurance companies, life insurance companies, small-amount short-term insurance providers, insurance agencies, consumer cooperatives, as well as electric power companies , advertising companies and business alliance partners.These insurance companies may use necessary personal information to help estimate insurance premiums or bills or to help provide insurance or cooperative pamphlets or data. And in a similar way, electric power companies may use necessary personal information to present electricity prices and so on, while advertiser companies and business alliance partners may use necessary personal information to provide advertising products and services. For further details, please visit the following websites.

[ InsWeb Use Policy ]


(2) E-LOAN

SBI Holdings (E-LOAN) provides personal customer information to contracted partners in the financial sector such as banks, credit unions, non-life insurance companies, non-banks, and credit card companies. These financial institutions may only use the personal information they need to provide you with appropriate loan documents and data. For further details, please visit the following websites.

[ E-LOAN Use Policy ]

(3) Common use policy items among, the subsidiaries mentioned in items 1) to 2) in this section

SBI Holdings uses the postal service, the telephone, and email to inform customers about products and services provided by SBI Holdings, our affiliates, and Partner companies. When we send you product or service information, we do not give your personal information to the company providing the corresponding service.
When SBI Holdings receives an inquiry from you through customer service support, we only use the personal information needed to deal with your inquiry.

(4) Use Policy related to Recruitment and Employment

If you send your work resume or job experience record to SBI Holdings directly or via career-support websites in the hope of finding employment , neither SBI nor our group companies will use your personal information for any purpose other than for personnel hiring.

(5)Use Policy related to Personal Information of Shareholders and Investors

Based on the laws of Japan, we may use personal customer information to supervise other shareholders or investors, to carry out investor relations activities, or to contact investors.

(6) Commissioned business

In order to accurately conduct payroll accounting services that has been commissioned by SBI Group companies.

3. Outsourcing

When SBI Holdings outsources work to a third party, we may entrust your personal information with the outsourcing party after ensuring that protection measures are in place.

4. Third Party Disclosure

SBI Holdings will not disclose your personal information to any third party except as stated in Section 2 (to contracted partners), Section 3 (to outsourcing parties), or as described below.

  1. (1) We may use your personal information upon your consent.
  2. (2) We may use data related to a customer for statistical calculations if such data does not reveal the identity of a customer.
  3. (3) We may use your personal information if required by law.
  4. (4) We may use your personal information to protect human life , body or assets if obtaining your consent for some reason proves difficult.
  5. (5) We may use your personal information to improve public health, to promote child development, or for some other special situation if obtaining your consent for some reason proves difficult.
  6. (6) We may use your personal information to cooperate with a national institution, a local public body, or a related outsourcer that must perform work to comply with Japanese law if obtaining your consent would be an obstacle to performing the relevant work.

5. Common Use of Personal Information

SBI Holdings may allow common use of personal information listed in Item (1) "Items of Personal Information Subject to Common Use" held by SBI Holdings among the parties described in Item (2) "Parties Authorized for Common Use". Notwithstanding the foregoing, personal information regarding recruitment described in Item (1)d may only be used for the purpose described in Item (3)e. Also, if certain common use is restricted under relevant laws or regulations, such as the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act and Insurance Business Act, personal information will be handled in compliance with such laws or regulations.

  1. (1) Items of Personal Information Subject to Common Use
    1. a. An individual's name, address, date of birth, contact information, such as telephone number and e-mail address, information on transaction needs publicized information, and other information relating to one's personal attribution.
    2. b. Transaction records, point information, type of products and services offered to customers, and other information relating to individual transactions.
    3. c. Control numbers, such as customer and transaction numbers, and other information necessary for management of transactions.
    4. d. Information on applicants in recruitment of the SBI Group Companies, applicant's name, gender, date of birth, address, contact information such as the telephone number and e-mail address, educational background, professional experience, reason for application, and other information relating to recruitment of SBI Group Companies.
  2. (2) Parties Authorized for Common Use
    Subsidiaries and affiliates of the Company.
  3. (3) Purpose of Common Use
    1. a. On the Occasion of Use of SBI Group Companies' Services as a Registered Member
      For personal identity authentication at and after log-in, automatic display of membership information in various situations, and other purpose related to improvement of the registered members' convenience when using SBI Group Companies' services.
    2. b. Execution of Transactions with SBI Group Companies
      For delivery of products, provision of services, settlement of price, response to inquiries, confirmations by SBI Group Companies, provision of applicable after-sales services and other purpose related to operations necessary to execute a transaction when a customer is making reservations and purchasing products or services, applying for a prize competition, or otherwise engaging in transactions with SBI Group Companies.
    3. c. Advertising and Marketing by SBI Group Companies
       * For provision of information by SBI Group Companies through various e-mail newsletter.
       * For provision of information regarding SBI Group Companies' services through e-mail, mail, and telephone.
       * For provision of contents and advertisements in light of personal attribution, such as gender, age, residence, hobbies, and taste, as well as purchase history, or browsing history of websites managed by SBI Group Companies.
       * For development of new services and improvement of existing services by analyzing customers' usage of SBI Group Companies' services.
       * For drawing of prizes for surveys, campaigns, and prize competitions, as well as shipping, and contacting to applicants for matters relating to such drawing of prizes.
    4. d. Response to Inquiries
      For response to inquiries directed to SBI Group Companies by e-mail, mail, or telephone, etc.
    5. e. Recruitment
      Personal information regarding applicant's personnel information, including resume, submitted for the purpose of seeking an employment opportunity at SBI Group Companies, will be used for evaluation and selection process of recruitment.
    6. f. Other Incidental Use
      For use necessary for provision of SBI Group Companies' services that are incidental to the abovementioned items a through e.
    7. g. Others
      SBI Group Companies may use, in course of providing their services to customers, personal information for purpose other than the purposes listed in the items a through f above. In such case, such use will be disclosed on an applicable website on which SBI Group Companies provide the relevant services
  4. (4) Name of the Company, Address and the Officers Responsible for the Management of Personal Information
    1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    SBI Holdings, Inc.
    Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO Yoshitaka Kitao
  5. (5) For Inquiries Related to Common Use
    General Affairs Department, SBI Holdings, Inc.
    Telephone number (main): +81-3-6229-0100

6. Disagreement with Use Policy

If you disagree with this Use Policy in whole or in part, we will not permit you to use our products and services.

7. Use of Cookies

SBI Holdings uses “cookies” on some web pages to enable a more personalized online experience.
Cookies are used to identify your computer and to maintain status information; so you do not need to re-enter your information each time you return to our web site. SBI Holdings cannot use cookies to obtain personal information about you.
For the cookie transmission-receipt setting, the customer may choose from among “Accept all cookies,” “Reject all cookies,” and “Inform the user upon receiving a cookie.” How to activate the setting differs from one browser to another. You should check the setting method for cookies in the help menu of the browser you use. It should be noted that, if you choose the setting to reject all cookies, you could be subjected to restrictions on using various services on the Internet, such as denial of service requiring verification.
An advertisement distribution business operator may potentially distribute advertisements according to information on the customer’s past accesses to websites using cookies. To deactivate this type of advertising, you can deactivate use of cookies by accessing the opt-out page of the advertisement distributor. When changing browsers, deleting cookies, or switching to a new device, you will need to make the setting again.
[Advertisement distributor]
Opt-out page on Google

8. Disclosure regarding personal information and record of provision to a third party

  1. (1) Names of business operator, address and officers responsible for controlling personal information
    SBI Holdings, Inc.
    1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
    Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO Yoshitaka Kitao
  2. (2) Positions, names, and contact details of personal information control managers
    Motoya Nishimura, Executive Officer
    Telephone number (main): +81-3-6229-0100
  3. (3) Purpose of use of held personal information
    As for the purpose of use of held personal information, please refer to the abovementioned Section 2. Purpose of Use, Item (1) to (4),(6).

9. Notification of purpose of use

If a customer wants to receive a notification on the purpose of use of his/her personal information that is held by SBI Holdings, we will reply within a reasonable period of time and scope after verifying that the requester is indeed the subject person.

10. Disclosure

If you ask to see personal information that SBI Holdings has about you or record provision to a third party, we will first verify your identity then provide a timely and appropriate response.

11. Revision, Deletion

If you want to revise, to update, or to delete personal information that SBI Holdings has about you, we will first verify your identity then revise, update, or delete information in a timely and appropriate manner.

12. Use Termination and Deletion

If you want SBI Holdings to stop using your personal information and to delete it, we will first verify your identity then stop using your information and delete it in a timely and appropriate manner.
If SBI Holdings no longer uses or deletes part or all of your personal information, you may not be able to use some of our products and services. Please bear this in mind before making such a decision. In addition, we may not be able to abide by your request to stop using, to stop providing to a third party or to delete personal information due to related laws and regulations.

13. Disclosure Inquiries

SBI Holdings accepts applications for disclosure of held personal information, record of provision to a third party and inquiries about personal customer information as described below. SBI Holdings may not be able to respond to your application or inquiry if you do not follow the guidelines below.

[Inquiry procedure]

Please make all applications or inquiries by telephone, postal service, or email to the address given below.
You will be given details about how to proceed once you make an inquiry. However, when you use the method below, we will first verify your identity (or proxy); then we will respond to your inquiry by the method notified in the application or letter delivered through the postal service. Depending on the contents of the application, SBI Holdings may send you a designated form to fill out and to return to us.

(Reception method, inquiry counter)

Izumi Garden Tower 19F, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-6019 Japan General Affairs Department, Management Headquarters, SBI Holdings Inc.
Telephone number:

Inquiries by phone can be made Monday to Friday from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm (Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays).

(Registered personal information protection association SBI Holdings belongs to)
Japan Information Processing and Development Center (JIPDEC)
Contact for grievance resolution: Personal Information Protection Complaints Desk
Location: Roppongi First Building 12F, 1-9-9 Roppongi, Minato-ku Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
Telephone number: +81-3-5860-7565, (Toll free number) 0120-700-779

(Verification of you or your proxy)
If you make an application in person, SBI Holdings will verify your identity using your driver's license, passport, health insurance identification card, or seal-registration certificate. Documents used to verify your identity must be valid or issued within the last three months. We will also verify information registered at SBI Holdings such as your registered call-back number, name, home address, and telephone number.
If a proxy makes an application on your behalf, SBI Holdings will verify the proxy using a letter of proxy and a seal-registration certificate of the seal affixed to the letter of proxy. We will then contact you by telephone for final verification.

[Procedure fees]

Disclosure requests require no fee payment from you to SBI Holdings. However, SBI Holdings will not cover customer expenses related to postage, transportation, or preparing verification documents.

14. Security Management Measures

    We have security management measures in place for personal information that comply with JIS Q 15001:2023, including the following measures.

  1. (1) Establishment of a basic policy
    In order to prevent accidents and incidents involving personal data, and to create an environment and system that allows customers to use our services with peace of mind, we have established and implemented a personal information protection policy regarding “acquisition and use of personal information,” “management and protection of personal information,” “compliance with laws and regulations,” “response to inquiries and complaints,” “continuous improvement of personal information protection management system and mechanism,” etc.
  2. (2) Establishment of discipline in the handling of personal data
    Internal regulations have been established and implemented regarding the identification, acquisition, use, provision, and appropriate management of personal information, as well as the authority and responsibility for protecting personal information.
  3. (3) Organizational and Personnel Safety Control Measures
    In addition to appointing a person responsible for the handling of personal data, the Company has clarified the scope of personal data to be handled and established a system for reporting to the person responsible in the event that the Company becomes aware of facts or signs of violation of the law or internal regulations. In addition, the Company provides regular training to its employees on points to keep in mind regarding the handling of personal data.
  4. (4) Physical and technical safety control measures
    In areas where personal data is handled, measures are taken to control employee access and to prevent unauthorized access to personal data. In addition, access control is implemented to limit the number of persons in charge and the scope of personal data handled.

Established: April 1, 2005
Last revised: June 12, 2024