As an advanced information communications company, SBI Holdings Inc. offers a wide array of products and services to customers through the Internet using the latest information technology and financial instruments. We, therefore, consider the handling of personal information as very important. Learning from recent mishaps and acts of negligence in industry at large related to personal information, we are taking proactive steps to safeguard the private information of our customers by building a secure environment as outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Article 1. Acquisition and Utilization of Personal Information

The Company shall obtain the Personal Information after clarifying the purpose of utilization thereof and use it only within the scope of purpose. The purpose of utilization shall be specified in the Personal Information Management Ledger and the General Managers of individual departments which handle Personal Information shall be responsible for establishing and carrying out the confirmation procedures for the prevention of deviation from the purpose of utilization.

The Company shall also establish and arrange the internal management scheme and take safety management measures in order to prevent the utilization of the Personal Information beyond the scope of the purpose of utilization.

Article 2. Management and Protection of Personal Information

The Company shall strictly manage Personal Information and shall not disclose or provide data to any third party unless the Company obtains the consent of customers or unless the Company does so in accordance with laws and regulations. The Company shall lay down and carry out safety management measures in order to prevent divulgement, loss, or damage to the Personal Information. The Company shall also lay down and carry out procedures for preventing problems. In the event of any problem, the Company shall promptly take corrective measures in order to prevent recurrence thereof.

Article 3. Compliance with Laws, Regulations, and Norms

The Company shall comply with laws and regulations, guidelines set by the national government and other norms applicable to the handling of Personal Information in the Company's possession.

Article 4. Response to Inquiries and Complaints

The Company shall arrange the scheme and procedures for reception of and response to inquiries and complaints about Personal Information in its possession and quickly respond to them.

Article 5. Continuous Improvement of Schemes and Mechanisms of Management of Personal Information Protection

The Company shall continuously improve the scheme and mechanism of management of personal information protection.

Established on April 1, 2005
Revised on February 8, 2019
SBI Holdings, Inc.
Yoshitaka Kitao
Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO

Contact point about Personal Information

・Postal code: 106-6019
  6-1 Izumi Garden Tower 19th floor, Roppongi 1-chome, Minato-ku, Tokyo
  General Affairs Department of SBI Holdings, Inc.
・Telephone number: 03-6229-0100
・Electronic mail:
Telephone calls are accepted between 10:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. on weekdays (and no telephone calls are accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, or on national holidays).

Name of authorized personal information protection organization to which the Company belongs

・Japan Institute for Promotion of Digital Economy and Community (abbreviation: JIPDEC)
(Contact point for settlement of complaints)
・Personal Information Protection Consultation Service Office
・Address : 1-9-9 Roppongi First Building 12F, Roppongi Minato-ku, Tokyo, 106-0032 Japan
・Telephone number : 03-5860-7565, 0120-700-779