Six months ended September 30, 2023
(Millions of Yen)

  Attributable to owners of the Company
Capital Stock Capital Surplus Treasury Stock Other Component of equity Retained earnings Total Non-controlling interests Total equity
As at April1, 2023 139,272 186,774 (76) 61,047 629,095 1,016,112 735,870 1,751,982
Profit for the period 37,088 37,088 11,153 48,241
Other comprehensive income 52,713 52,713 8,875 61,588
Total comprehensive income 52,713 37,088 89,801 20,028 109,829
Issuance of new shares 4,035 2,504 6,539 6,539
Change in scope of consolidation (5,200) (5,200)
Dividends paid (32,680) (32,680) (9,423) (42,103)
Treasury shares purchased (4) (4) (4)
Treasury shares sold (0) 0 0 0
Share-based payment transactions 170 170 28 198
Changes of interests in subsidiaries without losing control 14,398 14,398 (53,269) (38,871)
Transfer from other components of equity to retained earnings 9 5 (95)
As at September30, 2023 143,307 203,846 (80) 113,855 633,408 1,094,336 688,034 1,782,370

* Amounts are rounded off to the nearest million Japanese yen.