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FX-related Business

Provider of an FX Margin Trading Platform

SBI Liquidity Market provides foreign-exchange market participants (e.g. banks, securities companies and business corporations) with a market infrastructure that ensures liquidity in FX trading.

FX trading (over-the-counter foreign exchange margin trading) came into existence as a result of the enactment of the Revised Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Act in April 1998. On the back of growing demand from individual investors, the volume of FX trading has been posting a significant increase in recent years, steadily solidifying its position as a common asset-management method.

SBI Liquidly Market provides efficient market functions, with a view to building a highly competitive marketplace that ensures transparency for the participating FX trading companies by concentrating all liquidity on the market it creates. In addition, it strives to develop and establish a highly expandable system to respond quickly to the needs of individual investors in Japan, so that they can pursue low-cost, safe and secure FX trading.

Business Models

Providing a Customer-oriented and Highly Convenient FX Trading Service

The SBI Group has until recently been providing the FX (foreign-exchange margin trading) service exclusively to customers who have accounts with SBI SECURITIES and SBI Sumishin Net Bank. But with the recent rise in the popularity of FX trading among individual investors and the growth of the FX market, we established SBI FXTRADE Co., Ltd. in November 2011. The company provides FX trading services with an eye to acquiring new client segments, with an emphasis on young people who manage assets chiefly through FX trading.

SBI FXTRADE is committed to catering to the wide-ranging needs of investors by providing highly convenient services with a customer-centric philosophy. The needs include single currency-unit deals, the industry’s narrowest exchange-rate spreads and, for the first time ever in Japan, exchange rates on currencies against JPY quoted to the fourth decimal place.

Principal Group Company