SBI Business Innovator was established in February 2021, as the only CRM*1 agency in the SBI Group through the merger of SBI Business Support, a CRM vendor that plans, operates, and builds contact centers, and provides services regardless of the type of contract, including outsourcing and temporary staffing, and SBI Process Innovator which provides services such as business improvement, outsourcing, and consulting using technologies such as RPA and AI-OCR.
Whether inbound, outbound, in-house, or outsourced, we have accumulated a high level of compliance awareness, know-how on managing contact centers, and know-how on system construction and operation required of financial BPO centers through our work on consignment for the SBI Group, which operates a variety of financial businesses.
In addition, the company horizontally deploys this know-how and human resources to respond to orders for general office work, sales office work, and other staffing and recruiting requiring financial qualifications and experience, as well as system and business consulting utilizing various technologies such as RPA*2, and AI-OCR*3.
Going forward, we will continue to conduct next-generation businesses that integrate people and technology to provide support for business transformation of the next-generation safely and at low cost in a wider range of industries and businesses than ever before, and realize BPO and human resource businesses for a new era, including call centers that utilize technology and business consignments that utilize multiple business locations.
*1 CRM…Customer Relationship Management
*2 RPA…Technology that automates business processes and tasks performed on computers in place of humans (Robotic Process Automation)
*3 AI-OCR…Optical character recognition (OCR) function incorporating artificial intelligence (AI) technology