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SBI Business Solutions

Aiming to be an All-round Solution Provider of Back Office

SBI Business Solutions

SBI Business Solutions offers a wide range of solutions to suit our customers’ business needs through cutting-edge IT technology and fintech to innovate the corporate back-office fields.
We focus on providing a variety of cloud service systems to support back office functions that meet both managerial and operational needs. Our main services comprise expense settlement systems (Keihi Bank II), approval request and circular distribution systems (Shonin Time) and automatic journalizing and slip creation systems (SBI-BS Bugyo Cloud Series).
Our other services that use our professional know-how include outsourcing and consulting services in accounting, national identity number management systems for financial institutions and ASP services that provide database and management systems for legally required content and documentation that are essential for business management.
Moreover, we provide “MoneyLook®,” an account aggregation service for both individual and corporate users for unified management of online accounts with several financial institutions, credit companies and so forth. MoneyLook® enables automatic linkage of usage details and information about balances, assisting users with daily money management through easy, convenient and secure functions.
In today's fast-paced corporate environment with business systems evolving to reflect revisions to legal systems and progress in IT, the importance of corporate back office functions is increasing rapidly. SBI Business Solutions is working to expand sales channels using the customer base of the SBI Group and business alliances with other group companies as well as regional financial institutions with which the SBI Group has business ties. In this manner, we strive to contribute to improving the productivity of local enterprises.

Corporate Profile

Company name SBI Business Solutions Co.,Ltd.
Principal business Back office support services
Representative Masaki Natsukawa
Location Izumi Garden Tower, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Date of establishment September 27, 1989
Paid-in capital 350 million yen (Including capital reserve, etc.)
Shareholders * SBI Group 100%

* Ownership percentage is based on voting rights. SBI Group's shareholding percentage corresponds to a total percentage based on the IFRS criteria for subsidiary companies and subsidiary funds of the Group.

(As of March 31, 2024)

Corporate Information & SBI Group