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SBI Investment

Japan’s Venture Capital Leader Creating New Industries with a Full Hands-on Approach

SBI Investment

SBI Investment is the core company in the SBI Group's Investment Business. As one of Japan's leading venture capital firms, our management of venture capital funds is guided by our mission to become a leader in the creation and cultivation of key industries for the 21st century.

As a “New Industry Creator”, we provide privately held ventures with risk capital through fund investments that support business developments and progress of these companies. Our efforts have generated a succession of IPOs and we have thus contributed to the well-being of society.

Since establishment, SBI Investment has focused on investments on growth sectors such as information technology, biotechnology and life science. Currently, we have expanded investment areas to include core technologies such as 5G, IoT and big data that will advance the realization of “Society 5.0 for SDGs,” and innovative technology and service fields which will propel “Industry 4.0” such as robotics, along with healthcare (medical and nursing care), infrastructure (transportation and energy) and foods and agriculture, etc.

Our investment structure makes effective use of management resources within the SBI Group. With this solid infrastructure in place, we can help venture companies overcome insufficient management resources. As a result, our activities help the growth of our investees and enhance these corporate values.

Our investment criteria take many factors into consideration.In addition to management skill and talent, we carefully consider market growth potential, uniqueness, differentiation from competitors, and feasibility of business model. For the investment decision process, an advisory board consisting of specialists in several fields such as fund investors is established. By utilizing external resources, our decisions on investments are more diversified and comprehensive.

With the mission statement of the SBI Group as our guidance, we will continue to support the growth aspirations of venture companies and contribute to the advancement of society.

Corporate Profile

Company name SBI Investment Co., Ltd.
Principal business Operate and manage venture capital funds
Representative Yoshitaka Kitao
Location Izumi Garden Tower, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Date of establishment June 7, 1996
Paid-in capital 50 million yen
Shareholders * SBI Group 100%

* Ownership percentage is based on voting rights. SBI Group's shareholding percentage corresponds to a total percentage based on the IFRS criteria for subsidiary companies and subsidiary funds of the Group.

(As of September 30, 2024)

Corporate Information & SBI Group