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Annual Report

SBI Holdings Annual Report 2007

As of March 2007, the SBI Group consisted of SBI Holdings, 48 consolidated subsidiaries (including 12 partnerships) and 13 equity-method affiliates.
In FY2006, the SBI Group had three core businesses, all in fields involving finance. The Asset Management Business primarily involves the management of funds-both private and listed equities, the Brokerage and Investment Banking Business primarily represents the securities business, and the Financial Services Business offers a variety of innovative services in other financial market sectors. In FY2007, the Housing and Real Estate Business became the SBI Group's fourth core business. In addition, the group continues to develop the Lifestyle Networks Business into a fifth core business, creating a platform that combines financial and non-financial activities together to support group-wide synergies.

Annual Report: All pages

Annual Report: Contents

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