The SBI Group was established in 1999 as a pioneer of Internet-based financial services in Japan. In order to demonstrate its competitive advantage in the age of the Internet, the SBI Group believes it necessary to build a business ecosystem – a new organizational structure that realizes high growth potential through synergies and co-evolution that a single company alone cannot achieve – and has built an Internet financial ecosystem centered on the Financial Services Business sector. In addition to this segment, the Group has also built up its Asset Management Business since the beginning that primarily invests in venture companies. With the development and sales of pharmaceuticals, health foods, and cosmetics, the SBI Group has also entered the Biotechnology, Healthcare & Medical Informatics Business. We have achieved dramatic growth around these three major businesses by establishing a process of “self-denial, self-transformation, and self-evolution” to constantly evolve and keep up with the times. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021 (FY2020), we reached a milestone with profits before income tax expense of over ¥100 billion. The SBI Group is gearing up to establish a new business ecosystem in the digital world (digital asset space) and to realize dramatic growth in the Fintech 2.0 era. With an accurate understanding of current trends in the rapidly changing digital world, the SBI Group targets to achieve sustained growth in corporate value.
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SBI Holdings Annual Report 2021
Annual Report: All pages
- All page (8.51MB/120pages)
- All page(Chinese version) (8.15MB/72pages)
Annual Report: Contents
- Cover (192.8 KB/1page)
- Contents (467.1KB/1page)
- Unchanging Values (432.6KB/1page)
- Basic Management Viewpoint on Business Establishment and Overall Strategy Transitions (550.1KB/2page)
- CEO Message (618.7KB/8page)
- Special Feature 1: Four Key Measures to Further Increase Corporate Value (851.5KB/8page)
- Build a More Expansive Ecosystem through an Open Alliance Strategy (626.4KB/4pages)
- Develop New Business Fields Based on Innovative Technologies (488.7KB/2pages)
- Globally Expand in the Field of Digital Finance (425.4KB/1pages)
- Expand Assets under Management of the Group (473.3KB/1pages)
- Financial and Non-financial Highlights (1.27MB/2page)
- Message from the Executive Officer in Charge of Accounting and Finance (579KB/4pages)
- Board of Directors and Statutory Auditors (703.5KB/2pages)
- Message from the Independent Outside Directors (560.1KB/2pages)
- Corporate Governanc (534.8KB/6pages)
- SBI Group’s Customer Value (796.7KB/2pages)
- At a Glance (759.4KB/1pages)
- Review of Operations by Business Segment (1.49MB/3page)
- Financial Services Business (777.6KB/1pages)
- Asset Management Business (783.4 KB/1pages)
- Biotechnology, Healthcare & Medical Informatics Business (835.3KB/1pages)
- Special Feature 2: Initiatives to Enhance Human Capital Value (542.2KB/2page)
- Stakeholder Engagement (1.38MB/2page)
- Solving Challenges for the Maintenance and Development of Society (1.21MB/3page)
- Environmental Initiatives (428.7KB/1page)
- Consolidated Financial Highlights 9-year Summary (71.5KB/2pages)
- Fact Sheet (549.1KB/5pages)
- Alliance Statuses with Regional Financial Institutions (472.5KB/1pages)
- Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group (1.44MB/52pages)
- Accounting Policies of the Asset Management Business (434.2KB/1pages)
- Glossary (409.7KB/1pages)
- The SBI Group (Principal Group Companies) (446.8KB/2pages)
- Corporate Data (431.5KB/1pages)
- Corporate History (423.4KB/1pages)
- Books by Yoshitaka Kitao, Representative Director, President & CEO (1.08B/2pages)
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