Since its founding, the SBI Group has diligently built a business ecosystem centered around securities, banking, and insurance as its core fields, utilizing the Internet as its main channel. As a result, we have evolved into one of the world’s most distinctive and comprehensive financial groups. Anticipating the transformative influence of digital technology, we are poised to embrace an era of vast digital expansion that permeates every facet of society, extending well beyond the confines of the financial sector. To prepare for this profound evolution, the Group is actively building a digital space ecosystem 2 and pursuing business evolution beyond finance with finance as its core. We will achieve this transition by invigorating our organization through transformation and evolution driven by a recurring cycle of “self-denial,” “self-transformation,” and “self-evolution,” leading to the establishment of an organization capable of achieving sustainable growth.
- Investor Relations
- Integrated Report 2023
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SBI Holdings Integrated Report 2023
Annual Report: All pages
- All page (11.51MB/132pages)
- All page(Chinese version) (7.21 MB/76pages)
Annual Report: Contents
- Cover (698.4 KB/1page)
- CONTENTS (409.8 KB/1page)
- The driving force for sustainable growth (2.74 MB/11page)
- The Purpose of the SBI Group (690.4 KB/1pages)
- SBI Group’s Value Creation (1.23 MB/2pages)
- Transition of the SBI Group (1.30 MB/2pages)
- Big Picture View of the SBI Group (1.26 MB/2pages)
- SBI Group’s Customer Value (630.5 KB/2pages)
- SBI Group’s Overview (106.9 KB/2pages)
- The challenge towards the next leap forward (1.66 MB/20page)
- CEO Message (388.5 KB/8page)
- Feature: Vital Strategies of the SBI Group (1.18 MB/4pages)
- Realizing Neo-securities Initiatives (1.02 MB/2pages)
- Entering a New Stage of Collaboration with Regional Financial Institutions (1.11 MB/2pages)
- Message from the Managing Executive Officer & CFO (153.1 KB/4pages)
- Overview of the SBI Group’s Business Operations (121.8 KB/4pages)
- The basic framework supporting sustainable growth ( 1.03 MB/22page)
- For the Eternal Evolution of the SBI Group (207.6 KB/4page)
- Non-financial Activities (893.2 KB/18page)
- Feature: Attaining Appropriate Risk Management for Executing Management Strategy (108.3 KB/3pages)
- Environment (61.8 KB/1pages)
- Social (138.4 KB/4pages)
- Corporate Governance (749.9 KB/10pages)
- Consolidated Financial Highlights 10-year Summary (70.04 KB/2page)
- Fact Sheet (169.2 KB/5page)
- Alliances Status with Regional Financial Institutions (94.0 KB/1pages)
- Consolidated Financial Statements of the Group (4.24 MB/60pages)
- Accounting Policies of the Investment Business (59.9 KB/1pages)
- Glossary (38.9 KB/1pages)
- The SBI Group (Principal Group Companies) (81.2 KB/2pages)
- Corporate Data (56.5 KB/1pages)
- Corporate History (46.1 KB/1pages)
- Books by Yoshitaka Kitao, Representative Director, Chairman, President & CEO (700.7 KB/2pages)
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