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SBI Insurance Group

A Nonlife Insurance Company Meeting the Needs of the Times

SBI Insurance

SBI Insurance Group Co., Ltd. is an insurance holding company that manages its subsidiaries as its mainstay business. The seven operating companies, namely: SBI Insurance, SBI Life Insurance, SBI IKIIKI SSI, SBI Nihon SSI, SBI Resta SSI and SBI PRISM SSI, SBI JOGUCHI SAFETY SSI, are jointly developing a comprehensive insurance business.
These seven operating companies efficiently market insurance products by strengthening the cross-selling of products among themselves and using the customer base of the SBI Group. In addition, we will endeavor to provide convenient, customer-friendly insurance service utilizing fintech, big data, AI and other cutting-edge technologies.

Corporate Profile

Company name SBI Insurance Group Co., Ltd.
Principal business Business management of insurance subsidiaries
Representative Tatsuyoshi Otobe
Location Izumi Garden Tower, 1-6-1 Roppongi, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Date of establishment December 19, 2016
Paid-in capital 8.3 billion yen
Shareholders * SBI Group 59.68%

* Ownership percentage is based on voting rights. SBI Group's shareholding percentage corresponds to a total percentage based on the IFRS criteria for subsidiary companies and subsidiary funds of the Group.

(As of March 31, 2024)

Corporate Information & SBI Group