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Financial Highlights

As announced in the press release dated March 25, 2014, the Company voluntarily revised its previous years' financial results.

Partial Revision to Previous Years' Financial Results, Securities Reports and Quarterly Reports

Consolidated Operating Results

Millions of Yen
  Mar. 2023 Mar. 2024
Revenue 956,977 1,210,504
Profit before income tax expense 102,140 141,569
Profit for the year 71,696 113,616
Profit attributable to owners of
the Company
35,445 87,243
Total comprehensive income
89,305 190,357

Operating revenue

Profit before income tax expense

Profit for the period

Profit attributable to owners of the Company

Total comprehensive income

Consolidated Financial Position

Millions of Yen
  Mar. 2023 Mar. 2024
Total assets 22,301,975 27,209,391
Total equity 1,751,982 1,907,346
Equity attributable to owners of
the Company
1,016,112 1,262,209
Ratio of equity attributable to owners
of the Company to total assets (%)
4.6 4.6

* Substantive equity attributable to owners of the Company :
Substantive figures after adjusting for asset and liability accounts associated solely with the securities company.

Total assets

Total equity

Equity attributable to owners of the Company

Ratio of equity attributable to owners of the Company to total assets

Consolidated Cash Flows

Millions of Yen
  Mar. 2023 Mar. 2024
Operating activities 960,743 1,345,740
Investing activities (1,075,054) (65,116)
Financing activities 810,425 29,172
Cash and cash equivalents
at the end of the year
3,200,916 4,580,335

Operating activities

Investing activities

Financing activities

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period

* Amounts are rounded off to the nearest million Japanese yen.
* The Group prepared the consolidated financial statements in accordance with International Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRSs”) from FY2012.