The SBI Group recognizes the importance of long-term coexistence between society and the natural environment, and that environmental issues have impact on, and present both risks and opportunities to organizations and society. Accordingly, the Group contributes to the maintenance and development of a sustainable society through its business activities.
1. Providing products and services that promote environmental consideration
We will strive to reduce environmental risks by developing and providing products and services that contribute to environmental conservation and the sustainable development of society. We will also support startups that develop and provide such products and services through investment and the utilization of products and services.
2. Compliance with environmental laws and regulations, and ethical conduct
We will endeavor to comply with laws and regulations, recognizing our responsibility as a corporate group that holds financial institutions under its auspices, and respond with high ethical values.
3. Reducing environmental impact through business activities
We will seek to conserve resources and energy, and to reduce waste in our business activities.
4. Environmental education and awareness-raising activities
We will raise environmental awareness through environmental educations toward executives and employees, and awareness-raising activities to our stakeholders, including customers and business partners.
5. Improving initiatives through dialogues
We will proactively disclose information, and continuously improve our environmental initiatives through dialogue with stakeholders.