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Information Disclosure Based on TCFD Recommendations

SBI Holdings endorses the TCFD recommendations. Along with this, the SBI Group identifies risks and opportunities related to climate change using the two scenarios of the global mean temperature rising 4℃ and 1.5℃, in line with the disclosure framework recommended by the TCFD. We are also analyzing the impact of climate change-related risks and opportunities on the Group's business activities, etc., and is addressing them.


SBI Holdings has established a Sustainability Committee under the Board of Directors, composed of senior managing directors and chaired by the Representative Director, President & CEO, and the “Basic Sustainability Principles” were formulated on December 21, 2021. In principle, the Committee meets at least twice a year. As part of the SBI Group's corporate strategy, the committee not only discusses and decides upon strategic initiatives related to sustainability based on the “Basic Sustainability Principles,” including those regarding climate change, but also verifies and examines the progress of these initiatives as well as reports on their findings to the Board of Directors at least twice a year in a timely and appropriate manner. The Board of Directors oversees initiatives of sustainability by exchanging opinions on the reported information, and provide direction, recommendation, and advice as appropriate. In addition, the sustainability measures decided upon through discussions by the committee are implemented across the entire SBI Group, with the cooperation of each group company, through the Sustainability Promotion Office that serves as the secretariat of the committee.
In this way, the Company has constructed a framework for proper management of initiatives toward the resolution of environmental and social issues including climate change, and further ensures the effectiveness of these measures.
Sustainability Promotion Office that serves as the secretariat of the committee gather internal and external information to understand and discuss issues facing the Group.

<Sustainability Promotion Structure of SBI Holdings>

For more information on the initiatives in the Sustainability Committee, please see "Sustainability Promotion Structure" page.


SBI Group identifies risks arising from climate change and considers its contribution to solving environmental and social issues through the provision of diverse solutions in each of the Group's operating companies as a new business opportunity, with the objective of realizing a decarbonized society.

Identification of Risks/Opportunities and Scenario Analysis

SBI Group considers climate change as a critical issue confronting the society and is identifying risks and opportunities related to climate change using the two scenarios of the global mean temperature rising 4℃ and 1.5℃ compared to before the Industrial Revolution. We have estimated the financial impact in FY2030 for the securities business and the investment (private equity) business, which are main businesses of the SBI Group and losses that will be incurred due to climate change are perceived to be insignificant. For the banking business, SBI Shinsei Bank has estimated its cumulative financial impact by itself up to FY2050.

・ For risk identification, the analysis was conducted qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of "transition risks," such as effects from stricter regulations developed as climate change measures and changes in customer behavior, and "physical risks," such as damage of assets due to increasing severity of abnormal weather and effects brought about by long-term changes in climate patterns.

・ In the scenario analysis, an examination and assessment of risks and opportunities in the securities business and the investment business (private equity) arising from climate change as of 2030 was performed, using scenarios published by international organizations.
SBI Shinsei Bank has organized the world view, opportunities and risks of the scenarios in two dimensions: climate change and the economic fluctuations monitored on a daily basis.

[Scenario of the securities business and the investment business (private equity)]

4℃ scenario:
This scenario assumes a 4℃ increase as of 2100 compared with the global mean temperature from before the Industrial Revolution, and that no progress in climate change prevention measures have been made from present conditions. This scenario also assumes there are no changes from the current state of laws and regulations to fight climate change, while also assuming abnormal weather will become more severe and physical damage will become increasingly large.

Reference scenarios:
IEA World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2021, Stated Policies Scenario (STEPS). (In part, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 6.0)

1.5℃ scenario:
This scenario assumes a 1.5℃ increase as of 2100 compared with the global mean temperature from before the Industrial Revolution and that an aggressive set of initiatives have been made toward achieving carbon neutrality. The severity of abnormal weather is reduced compared to the 4℃ scenario, while laws and regulations formulated as measures to combat climate change are greatly strengthened in comparison to today.

Reference scenarios:
IEA World Energy Outlook (WEO) 2021, Net Zero Emissions by 2050 Scenario (NZE). (In part, Sustainable Development Scenario, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), and Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 6.0)

[Scenario of the banking business (SBI Shinsei Bank)]

Physical risk: RCP2.6 (2℃ scenario)/8.5 (4℃ scenario) in IPCC Fifth Assessment Report
Transition risk: NGFS Net Zero 2050 (1.5℃ scenario)/ Delayed Transition/ Current Policies

Primary Risks and Opportunities from Climate Change

[Climate change-related risks]
Transition risks (the impact of tighter regulations and changes in customer behavior to combat climate change) and physical risks (the damage to assets caused by extreme weather events and the impact of long-term changes in climate patterns) include those identified below.

Risks common to the Company and its various businesses
Category Type Potential Risks Timeline* Impact
4℃ 1.5℃
Risks (Risks arising from the transition to a decarbonized society)
Increased costs due to the introduction of carbon taxes and other carbon pricing, as well as policies related to renewable energy use and energy conservation Short to long term Low
See <Risks relating to major business> below      
Reputation Increased reputational risk by not transitioning to an environmentally friendly business (e.g. impact on funding, customer outflow) Short to long term Low High
Risks (Risks arising from global warming and resulting in physical damage)
Acute Physical damage to offices and shops due to abnormal weather (typhoons, floods, high tides, etc.) and costs incurred in response to system failures Medium to long term High Low
Chronic Increased air conditioning costs in data centers and offices Medium to long term High Low
*Assumes a time horizon of 0-3 years for short term, 4-10 years for medium term, and 11-20 years for long term

As a measure to reduce transition risks, we will visualize our GHG emissions, promote energy-saving measures, utilize renewable energy and manage the SBI Group's progress towards achieving its GHG emissions reduction targets, thereby reducing costs by avoiding carbon taxes and other burdens.
Moreover, electricity procurement relying on conventional thermal power generation, etc. not only has high GHG emissions, but also involves the risk of cost fluctuations due to the influence of national policies and natural resource prices. Therefore, from the perspective of stabilizing electricity procurement costs, we believe that it is desirable to switch to electricity from renewable energy sources, and are promoting the use of renewable energy sources in addition to the energy-saving measures we have been taking up until now.
SBI Group will continue to work on switching to environmentally friendly business and towards addressing reputational risk and, reducing the risk of fluctuations in procurement costs.

In terms of physical risk reduction, SBI Holdings and its group companies have formulated Business Continuity Plans (BCPs) and other measures to establish a system for early recovery in case of a disaster.

Risks relating to major business

SBI Group's main businesses - the securities business, the Investment business (Private Equity) and the banking business (SBI Shinsei Bank) - recognize the following risks due to the nature of their respective businesses.

Risks relating to the Securities business

・ Transition risk (Reputation): The brand devaluation may lead to customer outflow

・ Physical risk (Acute): System faults such as interruption with the online trading system may occur. Consequently, there may be a financial impact from temporary interruption of business operations and actions to restore the system, and issues with security, which may incur liability for damages, may also arise.

<Addressing risk reduction>
SBI SECURITIES has been working on BCP/BCM (Business Continuity Management) in ordinary times in accordance with the contingency plan set out by the company, in order to quickly set up a crisis management office, minimize the impact on operations and ensure business continuity operations, with a focus on important operations.

Risks relating to the Investment business (Private Equity)

・Transition risk (Technology and market): If actions taken by investee companies on policies and regulations related to climate change prove to be insufficient, then the technology held by such companies would become obsolete and competitiveness would fall, leading to reduced valuations. As a result, the operating investment securities held by the SBI Group may undergo damage to their value.

・Transition risk (Reputation): It is anticipated that more disclosure of ESG-related information and the establishment/ enhancement of management systems from an ESG perspective at the investment consideration and implementation stage will be required, and these may incur corresponding costs.

<Addressing risk reduction>
In the Investment business (Private Equity), as for the investee companies, since initiatives towards decarbonization could enhance the growth of these companies, we will examine "full hands-on engagement" which will also include encouragement of ESG measures for investee companies.

Risks relating to the Banking business (SBI Shinsei Bank)

・ Transition risk (Laws and regulations/ Technology and market): Increased default risk and credit costs may be incurred along with deteriorating business conditions in high greenhouse gas emitting sectors and investees with inadequate response towards climate change due to stricter regulations and technological innovation to achieve 2°C or lower.

・ Transition risk (Reputation): The brand devaluation caused by investments in companies in high greenhouse gas emitting sectors and companies with inadequate response to climate change may lead to customer outflow

・ Physical risk (Acute): Increased default risks and credit costs due to impairment of collateral value may arise.

<Addressing risk reduction>
SBI Shinsei Bank qualitatively has assessed the climate change-related risks of industries that are likely to be affected by climate change. In addition, SBI Shinsei Bank Group prioritizes each industry and asset type based on the results of the qualitative assessment and the size of the exposure, to dig deeper into the risks through quantitative analysis, etc.
SBI Shinsei Bank Initiatives for Climate Change Issues

[Opportunities due to the climate change]

SBI Group considers its contribution to solving environmental and social issues through the provision of diverse solutions from each of the Group companies as a new business opportunity, for realizing a decarbonized society.
In the main businesses of the Group, the value of companies whose businesses contribute to decarbonization through the shift to renewable energy and the transition to a circular economy as well as companies whose businesses contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation due to the severity of extreme weather events is expected to increase in society as a whole. We recognize that this will open new business opportunities for the Group.

Opportunities relating to the securities business

Potential Opportunities Timeline* Impact
4℃ 1.5℃

Increase in offering volume of financial products such as shares issued by companies engaged in businesses that contribute to decarbonization, because of an increase in the value of such companies

Increase in opportunities to offer related businesses due to an increase in M&A needs by transformation in the relevant business areas

Expansion of business opportunities related to growing preference for ESG investment (e.g. development of sustainable finance products such as green bonds, and project creation)

Short to long term Low High

Increase in offering volume of financial products, such as shares issued by companies engaged in businesses that contribute to disaster prevention and mitigation, because of an increase in the value of such companies

Increase in opportunities to offer related businesses due to an increase in M&A needs in the relevant business areas

Short to long term High Low

Opportunities relating to the Investment business (Private Equity)

Potential Opportunities Timeline* Impact
4℃ 1.5℃

Increase in earnings opportunities as the value of investee companies engaged in businesses that contribute to decarbonization increases

Increase in opportunities to acquire fund investors through increased investment needs in venture capital (VC) funds

Short to long term Low High

Increase in earnings opportunities as the value of investee companies that develop businesses contributing to disaster prevention and mitigation increases

Increase in opportunities to acquire fund investors through increased investment needs in venture capital (VC) funds

Short to long term High Low

Opportunities relating to the Banking business (SBI Shinsei Bank)

Potential Opportunities Timeline* Impact
4℃ 1.5℃

・Increase of needs for transition assistance financing

・Increase of investment and lending needs for decarbonization

Short term Low High

・Since the investment and loan portfolio is relatively large and strong, demand for funds for repairs and strengthening of disaster prevention equipment would increase

・Increasing needs for hedging climate change risks and for insurance products

Short to long term High Low

* Assumes a timeline of 0-3 years for short term, 4-10 years for medium term, and 11-20 years for long term

[Financial Impact Forecast for FY2030 (Compared to FY2020 / Securities business and Investment Business)]
As shown below, the financial impact upon consolidated earnings related to Group operations affected by climate change through the SBI Group's securities business and investment business is insignificant.

4℃ scenario: \66 million
1.5℃ (2℃) scenario: \169 million
(For reference) SBI Holdings' profit before income tax expense was \141,569 million in FY2023.

* Rounded to the nearest million yen.
* The total amount of predicted financial impact includes additional costs from the introduction of decarbonization and emissions trading; cost increases due to electric power rates and zero energy buildings (ZEBs); air conditioning costs due to rising temperatures; annual loss from floods and high tides; and annual loss of interrupted operations through the securities business and investment (private equity) business.

[Financial Impact Forecast for FY2050 (Cumulative up to FY2050 / Banking Business)]
SBI Shinsei Bank estimates the financial impact as below.

Physical risk: Cumulative credit cost impact of around \5.5 billion to \9 billion
Transition risk: Cumulative credit cost impact of around \8.9 billion to \32.1 billion

* Target businesses for the physical risk are Domestic real estate non-recourse loans, domestic project finance, housing loans, and unsecured loans and personal unsecured loans of Shinsei Financial on the above estimated calculation.
* Target businesses for the transition risk are Electric Power Utilities, Oil and Gas, Shipping on the above estimated calculation.

Based on the estimated financial impact, the SBI Group strives to minimize the risks and maximize the opportunities arising from climate change, and to resolve environmental and social challenges, such as the realization of a decarbonized society, through diverse solutions offered by each Group company. Examples of specific initiatives are as below.

+ Support for the issuance of social impact bonds including green bonds (SBI SECURITIES)
+ Sustainable Finance/Impact Finance (SBI Shinsei Bank)
+ Sustainability Deposits (SBI Shinsei Bank) (Japanese only)
+ Selecting investee companies based on SDGs (SBI Investment)
+ Development of farming-type solar power generation (SBI Smart Energy)

We will continue to analyze the risks and opportunities that climate change might bring to the SBI Group's business, and endeavor towards realization of a sustainable society and further increasing social value through our business activities.

Risk Management

SBI Group identifies risks and opportunities related to climate change, while recognizing inadequate response to issues of climate change as a key strategic business risk that could significantly impact its operations. As a constant framework for risk management, in order to provide proper assessment and management of risks including climate change, which has the possibility of obstructing business activities, the Company has designated an officer in charge of risk management at the Group level and has established a Group Risk Management Department, so that it can carry out integrated risk management.

System for identifying, recognizing, and assessing climate-related risks

Risks recognized by the Group Risk Management Department as originating from climate change are below.

1. Credit risk (risk of incurring losses due to the worsening of financial conditions for investees and loan recipients, resulting in a fall in value or loss of lending and investment assets)

2. Market risk (risk of incurring losses due to changes in interest rates, stock prices, foreign exchange rates, real estate value, etc.)

3. Operational risk (risk of incurring losses related to inadequate or non-functioning internal processes, people, and systems, or from the occurrence of external events as well as reputational risk)

4. Liquidity risk (risk of incurring losses when necessary funds cannot be secured due to worsening financial conditions of the SBI Group or when funds can only be procured at significantly higher interest rates than normal)

The effects induced by these and other risks are integrated into a comprehensive risk management framework, and the Group Risk Management Department collaborates with the Sustainability Promotion Office, identifies risks and handles them in depth. Moreover, when new climate-related risks are anticipated or materialize, methods are established for handling and managing such risks at the department or company where they occur, and appropriate monitoring is conducted by the Group Risk Management Department, and information is shared with the Sustainability Promotion Office.

In the future, the Company will continue to conduct scenario analysis in greater depth across the Group and construct an integrated assessment and management system covering the quantification of climate change risks and the impact of climate change upon the entire SBI Group.

<Comprehensive Risk Management System>

Opportunities due to the climate change and the risk management system

For climate-related opportunities, the SBI Group has identified business expansion in operations that contribute to decarbonization and business areas related to disaster prevention and mitigation as well as business opportunities related to the growing preference for ESG investments. In addition to examination by frontline departments, the Group Risk Management Department carries out checks to ensure that no "greenwashing" takes place when examining these investments and loans.

Moreover, in the investment (private equity) business, we do not invest in companies with operations in tobacco, pornography, fossil fuels such as oil and coal, arms manufacturing, or in other companies whose environmental and social impacts, including climate change, are of concern. These exclusions are determined based on the United Nations Global Compact, International Labor Organization, and other regional and global agreements. Investment decisions are made after undergoing checks by people in charge on the front lines and the investment committee that screens investments, so that products and work of investee companies do not fall under any of the items in the agreements.

In July 2021, the SBI Shinsei Bank Group established the Responsible Investment and Lending Policy with the aim of upgrading its system for promoting responsible investment and financing. We regard business transactions with companies that do not give appropriate consideration to environmental and social issues as a management risk, and we prohibit or restrict transactions based on the recognition that there are serious risks to the environment and society with respect to investments and loans for some specific businesses.
From the perspective of responding to climate change, based on a precautionary approach, we will not make new investments and loans for the construction of new coal-fired thermal power plants, and reduce the amount of such investments.

Toward the realization of a decarbonized society, while making extra efforts to resolve environmental and social issues through each SBI Group company, the Company expects that there will be a further increase in climate-related risks and opportunities. While discussing response plans for each sector, including businesses related to renewable energy, we will enhance the risk management system as it pertains to climate-related opportunities in greater depth.

Metrics and Targets

SBI Group recognizes the importance of contributing to confining the rise in global temperatures to within 1.5°C compared to the Industrial Revolution, in line with the targets set out in the "Paris Agreement", the international framework for global warming, and is working to visualize GHG emissions within the Group.
Towards realizing the national target of carbon neutrality by 2050, the SBI Group targets net zero GHG emissions (Scope 1 and Scope 2) by FY2050. Its interim target is a 33% reduction by FY2030 (compared to its FY2018 levels). In addition, we have begun calculating Scope 3 emissions for each category in order to understand the scale of the Group's Scope 3 emissions.

Changes in GHG Emissions (Unit: t-CO2)
FY2019 FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Scope1 107 85 1,299 1,482 1,206
Scope2 4,140 4,463 18,191 12,030 10,367
Total 4,246 4,548 19,490 13,512 11,573
Scope3 - - - 1,286 5,496
* Coverage of scopes: Scope 1 (direct emissions from the use of fossil fuels, etc.), Scope 2 (indirect emissions owing to use of purchased electricity and heat) and Scope 3 (emissions of others related to the operator's activities) as defined by the GHG Protocol, mainly targeting domestic sites of SBI Holdings and its Group companies. SBI Shinsei Bank Group is included from FY2021 for Scope1 and 2.
* Scope 3 covers business travel (category 6) and employee commuting (category 7). SBI Shinsei Bank Group is includedfrom FY2023.

<Towards achieving GHG emission reduction targets>
The Group's GHG emissions increased sharply in FY2021 due to the acquisition of SBI Shinsei Bank Group as a subsidiary in December 2021. Although the SBI Shinsei Bank Group accounts for approx. 90% of the SBI Group's GHG emissions in FY2023 (total of Scope 1 and Scope 2), the SBI Shinsei Bank Group has a goal of achieving net zero emissions by FY2030.

Izumi Garden Tower, where SBI Holdings has its offices, is promoting energy conservation and pursuing a change in contracts to have electricity generated from renewable energy with Non-Fossil Fuel Certificate.*1 Since April 2022, the majority of the offices used by the SBI Group have switched to green power.*2
SBI Shinsei Bank Group is also reducing its power consumption by promoting energy conservation and pursuing a change in contracts to have electricity generated from renewable energy with Non-Fossil Fuel Certificate.*1 in its office buildings as well as integrating data centers and shifting to cloud computing.

SBI Shinsei Bank Group has also set the target of achieving net zero GHG emissions*3 from its investment and loan portfolio companies by the end of FY2050. At the same time, the actual GHG emissions are calculated in accordance with the international standards published by PCAF *4. In FY2022, SBI Shinsei Bank also measured its investment and loan portfolio GHG emissions for a portion of the business corporation and residential mortgage loans, in addition to project financing and real estate non-recourse financing. In the future, SBI Shinsei Bank plans to gradually expand the number of target assets and improve calculation accuracy.
In addition, SBI Shinsei Bank sets a target of achieving zero loan balance of project finance for coal-fired thermal power generation by the end of FY2040.
SBI Group will continue to consider initiatives that will further contribute to reducing GHG emissions.

*1 A certificate issued for the environmental value of electricity generated using non-fossil fuels.
*2 Electricity produced mainly from renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydropower.
*3 The GHG emissions are calculated as the contribution of the SBI Shinsei Bank Group to the GHG emissions of each investee and financing.
*4 In October 2022, SBI Shinsei Bank joined the Partnership for Carbon Accounting Financials (PCAF) and is working to advance the assessment of GHG emissions of its investees in accordance with the GHG protocol (aggregation method) having the transparency set out by the PCAF.
*5 Of the six asset types in the PCAF criteria (above), we measured GHG emissions from our investment and loan portfolio based on the following calculation methods: the corporate entities for "listed equity and corporate bonds" and "business loans and unlisted equity"; residential mortgage loans for "mortgages"; project financing for “project finance”; and real estate non-recourse loans for “commercial real estate.”
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SBI Shinsei Bank Initiatives for Climate Change Issues