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Basic Ideas

At the SBI Group, compliance activities are promoted based on the understanding that incomplete compliance riskily poses threats to the management foundation; therefore, it places the implementation of thorough compliance for all executives and employees as the basic principle of management.

Going forward, SBI Group will continuously strive to achieve a high reputation from stakeholders and to establish trust from society through appropriate corporate activities that comply with laws, regulations, social norms, corporate ethics, in Japan and other countries.

"SBI Group Compliance Code of Conduct"

Code of Conduct

In the "Five Corporate Missions" that the SBI Group has steadfastly adhered to and practiced since its founding, there is a principle related to the way a company that adheres to the spirit of compliance and social norms should be. Specifically, it is the two philosophies of "Sound Ethical Values" and "Fulfill Social Responsibility," and based on these, we have established the "SBI Group Compliance Code of Conduct" as a code of conduct for respecting compliance that should be observed and widely practiced by all executives and employees.

SBI Group Compliance Code of Conduct

1. Code of conduct to earn trust from customers

- Adhere to the "Customer-centric Principle" and provide customers with highly reliable goods and services that comply with laws and social norms are beneficial to society.

- Information acquired from transactions and any other activities with customers will be strictly managed, and will not be disclosed to any third parties for no justifiable reason.

- Personal information will be obtained in an appropriate manner and be used within the scope of the purpose of use for which notification, publication, or consent has been obtained.

- Ensure an appropriate quality is maintained in order to live up to the trust of our customers in the execution of our business.

- In our business activities, we will choose to act with an awareness of our public responsibility and influence on society as a company engaged in the financial industry.

- Maintain appropriate relationships with customers.

- Listen honestly to the voices of our customers and respond sincerely and promptly to any complaints we receive.

2. Code of conduct to ensure trust from shareholders

- Establish a sound management system that complies with laws and regulations such as the Companies Act and the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act.

- Secure financial soundness and distribute profits appropriately in line with business performance.

- Management will be executed with a focus on shareholders, customers and society, and information will be disclosed in a proactive and fair manner.

- We will not provide any payoffs provided without consideration to shareholders, etc.

3. Code of conduct towards society

- When we conduct our business, we will base our decisions on whether it is right to do in light of social justice.

- Each company in the SBI Group will understand the nature of its role as a constituent of society and contribute to the maintenance and development of society while responding to the requests of various stakeholders.

- Comply with the scope of business as stipulated by the laws and regulations related to each business of the SBI Group.

- Fulfill our obligations under the laws and regulations related to each business of the SBI Group.

- Promote fair, transparent and free competition in accordance with the gist of the Anti-Monopoly Act.

- As a good corporate citizen, we will contribute to the sustainable growth of society.

- Act voluntarily and proactively, understanding that addressing environmental issues is an essential requirement for corporate existence and activities.

- We will not use undisclosed information (insider information) obtained in the course of performing our business operations to benefit ourselves or a third party.

- Maintain sound, normal and transparent relationships with politics and administration.

- Take a firm stand against anti-social forces.

- Comply with laws and regulations regarding identity verification and cooperate towards preventing the financing of terrorism and money laundering by reporting suspicious transactions in a timely and appropriate manner.

4. Code of conduct to build a better corporate culture

- Respect human rights without conducting any act of discrimination

- Arrange and keep a pleasant and open working environment

- Properly treat and assign employees based on appropriate evaluation

5. Code of conduct as a member of an organization

- Make internal decisions in a transparent and fair manner

- Fulfill duties by acting for the benefit of the Company

- Make a sharp distinction between public and private and maintain the integrity

- Drictly manage information and protect the reputation of the Company

- Keep fair and highly transparent relationship with group companies in order to ensure sound management

- Make immediately reports and hold consultations when finding any violation of compliance without neglecting it

6. Code of conduct of top management

- Recognize that they are responsible for realization of the spirit of this Code of Conduct and take the lead in keeping relevant persons fully informed of it

- Grasp views within and outside the Company all the time, arrange effective internal scheme, and try to establish corporate ethics and realize thoroughgoing implementation of compliance, the denotation of corporate ethics.

- Declare that top management themselves will try to solve problems inside and outside the Company upon occurrence of violation of this Code of Conduct and make efforts to find out the cause and prevent recurrence thereof

- Disclose quickly and adequately disclose information and fulfill accountability to the public, clarify where the authority and responsibility lie, and severely punish officers and employees including top management themselves

System of Promoting Compliance

To grasp the issues on compliance, a compliance officer is appointed by resolution of the Board of Directors, and the Legal & Compliance Department is established as the compliance control division directly under the officer. SBI group strengthens and thoroughly implements its compliance promotion system through the following initiatives.

・ The compliance control division of SBI Holdings, while taking into consideration each industry and business category of the Group, is in charge of the overall planning and drafting, implementation of specific measures, and overall management related to compliance.

・ The Company establishes the "SBI Group Compliance Code of Conduct" and other guidelines to ensure that all executives and employees comply with and widely practice compliance.

・ The Company presents a unified compliance policy towards Group companies through the divisions in charge of compliance at each company, and provide support, follow-ups and guidance for the implementation of the policy. The officer in charge of compliance and the compliance control division, together with the those in charge within each SBI Group company, hold regular meetings to share information across the whole Group.

・ The Company regularly conducts compliance training sessions using e-learning and other means to improve knowledge related to compliance and raise awareness of employees including non-regular employees.

・ We are actively working with overseas bases and creating a strong global compliance structure such as by implementing effective monitoring depending on characteristics of businesses at each bases.

Practicing Compliance Measures

Measures towards the prevention of corruption

SBI Group has steadfastly adhered to and practiced the management philosophy of "Sound Ethical Values" and is also taking preventative measures towards corruption such as clearly declaring "prohibition of insider trading," to "maintain a sound, normal, and transparent relation with politics and administration," to "eliminate of antisocial forces" and "prevention of money laundering" in the Compliance Code of Conduct.
Moreover, SBI Group has established restrictions and approval procedures for the entertainment of, and gifts of money and goods to and from, customers and business partners of its officers and employees, in order to prevent conflicts of interest and violations of laws and regulations. In addition, SBI Group has established internal rules towards interactions with business partners and civil servants for all officers and employees of the Group, including the prohibition in principle of providing entertainment or gifts of money or goods to officers and employees of government and municipal offices. Our Group is committed to ensuring appropriate external interactions in accordance with social norms and laws regulating bribery and other corrupt practices by raising awareness of anti-corruption through compliance training and other means.

Measures taken towards customer protection and information security

Based on the fundamental view of the "Customer-centric Principle" the SBI Group is thoroughly implementing measures to ensure the appropriate management and protection of customer information and assets related to its business.
In order to continuously maintain and improve the standards of information security within the group, the Company has stipulated the outline of activities and organizational structure of information security management in the “policy of information security.”

SBI Group has also established a group-wide framework for ensuring information security to protect the information, assets, etc. of customers and the Group from cyber security threats whose seriousness has been increasing in recent years. In order to protect not only the Company’s own information assets but also those of customers, partners, and other stakeholders, the Company has established the comprehensive "SBI Group Security Guidelines" as a guide for information security measures at each Group company.

In addition, training is conducted periodically to improve the awareness and knowledge of information security of officers and employees.

Measures taken towards anti-social forces

In order to secure the appropriateness of its businesses as a financial conglomerate, SBI Group implements the "Basic Policy Against Anti-Social Organizations" and establishes the group-wide systems to eliminate antisocial forces.

Measures taken towards anti-money laundering and countering the financing of terrorism (AML/CFT)

Based on the understanding that strengthening anti-money laundering measures and measures countering the financing of terrorist organizations is an important duty of an enterprise operating a financial business , SBI Group implements the "Anti-Money Laundering and Countering the Financing of Terrorism Policy" and establishes a group-wide system to ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations, to continue to further strengthen measures to prevent money laundering and the financing of terrorism.

Compliance training

In order to foster an awareness of respect for compliance among officers and employees, the compliance control division of SBI Holdings systematically conducts compliance-related training and other programs.

Training themes (examples)
Company policy/ power harassment / sexual harassment / security policy/ Rules on Interaction with External Parties / compliance policy/ compliance manual/ Business Ethics/ Consumer Contract Act, Regulation related to campaign, regulation related to mail-order, Act on Regulation of Transmission of Specified Electronic Mail, Money Lending Business Act, Interest Rate Restriction Act, Act against Unjustifiable Premiums and Misleading Representations, Unfair Competition Prevention Act, Ordinance for Enforcement of the Act on Prevention of Transfer of Criminal Proceeds, Laws and regulation on insider trading/ Rules for Management of Insider Trading